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Cone Beam Imaging Enables Your Dentist in Mount Pleasant to Offer You Better Care

February 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 11:14 pm
man in dentist chair smiling

There are lots of advantages to living in the modern era. Take dental care for example. New technology enables your dentist in Mount Pleasant to offer not only better outcomes but an improved treatment experience. Case in point: Cone Beam imaging technology, which allows dentists to take 3-D images of the patient’s teeth, jawbone, and soft tissues.


Visit Your Dentist to Maximize Your 2019 Benefits

January 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 3:06 pm
shopping for dental insurance

If you’re like many people, you had good intentions when you purchased your dental insurance policy. However, you might have continually found that you don’t get as much out of your plan as you had hoped. Why not make things different this year? Here are a few tips from a dentist in Mount Pleasant on how you can maximize your dental benefits in 2019.


The History and Advantages of Dental Implants in Mount Pleasant

December 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 5:32 pm
teeth dental implant

As a child, you were excited when you lost a tooth. You probably wiggled and tugged on it using all sorts of tricks, just waiting for that perfect moment when it would finally come loose. But as an adult, you aren’t as keen. Losing a tooth can affect not only how you look but also how you chew and speak. Although you could get a dental bridge, the best, most advanced restoration option for one or more missing teeth is often a dental implant in Mount Pleasant.


Prevent a Holiday Emergency With Tips From a Dentist in Mount Pleasant

November 9, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 2:28 pm

Woman in a Santa hat smilingImagine… you’re enjoying the start of your holiday vacation and finishing up your to-do list before Christmas, when all the sudden you notice a dull, throbbing sensation in your one of your teeth. Yikes! This situation that could really put a damper on your holidays, especially since many dental offices are closed and it’s harder to get emergency care. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to prevent a dental emergency so that you don’t find yourself getting work done from a dentist in Mount Pleasant – when you should be home enjoying yourself instead! Keep reading to learn more.


Dental Insurance – Your Dentist in Mount Pleasant Says Don’t Waste It

October 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 4:16 am

man in dentist chair smiling Studies show that nearly 80% of Americans have dental insurance. Unfortunately, only 2.8% of that population will max-out their coverage by the end of the year. That means there is money being left on the table, but can anything be done about it? Your dentist in Mount Pleasant says there is a simple solution for getting more from your dental insurance. Learn about it as you continue reading!


When Will Your Dental Implants in Mount Pleasant Need To Be Repaired?

September 18, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 12:06 pm

Model of an implant restored with a dental crownUnfortunately, there aren’t many purchases in life that last forever. That vehicle you just bought will eventually need to be replaced, the new roof on your house will get old, and even your dental work will need to be replaced at some point. At least, most of your dental work anyway! You’ll be glad to know that dental implants in Mount Pleasant are one exception that can potentially last a lifetime with the right care and maintenance. Although there are cases where repairs need to be made, you can learn how to prevent that as much as possible with a few tips and tricks. Keep reading to learn more!


How to Handle a Lost Dental Crown in Mount Pleasant

July 24, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 3:38 pm

dental crownIf you have a dental crown fall out, don’t panic — that is not too unusual, especially for a temporary crown. Calling your dentist right away will help to ensure that you do not damage the tooth or your soft oral tissues before it gets fixed. In the meantime, follow the instructions detailed below for a damaged or lost dental crown in Mouth Pleasant. The #1 thing to remember in any dental emergency is to keep your cool!


Speak to the Dentist in Mount Pleasant about Whitening Veneers

June 21, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — dr_sikes @ 10:13 pm

porcelain veneer smilePorcelain veneers are an excellent cosmetic dentistry option for transforming teeth that are severely discolored, chipped, broken, misshapen or irregularly spaced. And with proper oral hygiene at home and regular dental checkups, they can give you a beautiful smile for many years. However, over time you may notice that your veneers have become discolored. Fortunately, there are steps a dentist in Mount Pleasant can take to restore your white, gleaming smile with porcelain veneers.


Your Dentist in Mount Pleasant Explains How to Whiten Sensitive Teeth

May 17, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 7:37 pm

before and after teeth whiteningDo you have stained teeth that harm the appearance of your smile? Are your ivories sensitive, making it difficult to endure teeth whitening? If so, then your dentist in Mount Pleasant is weighing in to explain how you can enjoy the confidence of a brilliant smile, without the discomfort of sensitive teeth. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of professional teeth whitening.


Take Part In Our Reviews Contest for a Chance to Win!

March 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 2:21 pm

You Don’t Want to Miss This!

Our staff would like to invite all of our patients to participate in a fun contest to give away ONE FREE set of whitening trays custom-made to fit your teeth. Also included will be a 4-pack of our professional whitening gel: Opalescence by Ultradent.

What It Takes to Win

In order to be eligible to win, all you have to do is leave us a review on Facebook or Google! Yes, it’s that simple. Follow the links and tell us about your experience at the office of Dr. Robert C. Sikes!

Leave a review on Facebook

Leave a review on Google

The Details

The winner will need to come to our office for a short visit to have impressions of your teeth made, and will be required to come back 2-4 days after, to collect your custom made whitening trays! Our assistants will thoroughly go over how the trays should be worn, how often you should whiten, and how to correctly insert the gel into the trays and any further questions to make your at-home whitening experience the best it can be. You’ll also receive a packet of information to guide you along the way. 

We plan to choose a new winner every two months until November, so everyone will have a chance to be a winner!

We appreciate our patients, and on behalf of Robert C. Sikes D.D.S, and staff we say THANK YOU by giving back!

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