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Lost a Dental Filling? Here are 6 Steps to Take Next

April 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 3:21 am
a woman clasping her hand over her mouth in shock when her filling fell out

You are enjoying a meal with loved ones when you suddenly feel something come loose as you bite into your food. It’s your dental filling! Having an unexpected dental event, especially when out and about with your friends and family, can cause a bit of panic. However, there is no need to worry. Here are six steps to take so your smile can be restored as soon as possible!


Can Dental Implants Set Off Metal Detectors?

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 4:28 pm
a person walking through an airport metal detector

If you’re an avid traveler, you’re probably already planning your next trip! But before you depart, you might be curious about whether your brand-new dental implants will cause any complications, such as setting off the metal detectors at the airport. Here’s everything you need to know about the composition of dental implants and why you don’t need to worry about them causing any issues that might impede your journey.


New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 8:10 pm
writing new years resolutions in journal

The new year will be here soon! Have you started thinking about all the goals you hope to accomplish in 2023? For many people, resolutions revolve around increasing their health and wealth. Well, you can easily accomplish that by prioritizing your oral health next year. Not only can you make your smile healthier and more attractive, but you can save plenty of money simply by taking proper care of your teeth and gums. Read on for a few ideas to get you started!


Why Are People Who Get Dental Implants Thankful for Them?

November 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 1:45 am
family enjoying holiday dinner

What better time to reflect on the good aspects of your life than during the holiday season? Not unlike New Year’s resolutions, the holidays provide an excellent opportunity to consider how you can better yourself for the year to come. As far as improvement goes, your teeth can get an upgrade in more ways than one if you choose dental implants as a tooth replacement option. Read on to learn how dental implants in Mt. Pleasant can give you so much to be thankful for during the holidays and year-round.


Can Teenagers Get Dental Implants?

October 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 11:30 am
teenage girl seeing her smile in mirror in dental chair

Losing a tooth can take a serious toll on a person’s self-confidence at any age, but it can be particularly difficult for adolescents. A teenager with an empty space in their smile might struggle to give presentations in class, hesitate to audition for the school play, or even refrain from trying to make friends. For adults, dental implants are often the most highly recommended solution for tooth loss. But is it safe for teenagers to get dental implants? Keep reading to find out!


4 Things You Can Expect After Getting a Dental Crown

September 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 5:57 am
Tooth wearing a crown.

The recovery period after a dental crown procedure typically lasts for a few days, as your body does have a little bit of recuperating to do. But if your dentist has informed you that you’re going to need a dental crown, you truly have nothing to worry about! Here are four things you can expect to deal with after receiving your new dental crown to help you ensure a smooth recovery.


4 Common Problems Dentists Can Fix with Dental Bonding

August 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 1:46 pm
Woman checking her smile in the mirror after dental bonding

Are you unhappy with how your smile looks but don’t want to have to undergo a costly, complicated dental procedure to improve it? Dental bonding may be the answer you’re looking for! This treatment involves placing a small amount of composite resin on the tooth to address all kinds of problems. Below are 4 common cosmetic issues that dental bonding can help you overcome.


5 Ways That Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Career Success

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 4:23 pm
Man impressing his coworkers after receiving cosmetic treatment.

If you have an important interview or a big presentation coming up at your job, then you’re probably thinking about what you can do to ensure that things go smoothly. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a huge difference—dressing nicely, showing up on time, and of course, remembering to smile! But perhaps you’re not satisfied with the state of your teeth, and you’re worried that it might cost you a shot to climb the ladder at work. Luckily, cosmetic dentistry can offer many different solutions that are sure to get your smile back on track and help you out. Keep reading to learn more about five different ways that cosmetic dentistry can improve your career success!


4 Tips to Protect Your Children’s Smile This Halloween

October 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 9:05 pm
Children walking in costumes after practicing Halloween oral health tips

Who doesn’t love to bite into a candy bar when Halloween is just around the corner? While we’re sure your kids (and even yourself) are looking forward to knocking doors and saying the magic words for a sweet treat, the last thing you want to happen is for cavities to develop before the holidays. Thankfully, keeping a few Halloween oral health tips in mind can make all the difference. Read them from a dentist today to ensure your child’s oral health remains protected even through the sweetest season of the year!

Skip the Biggest Offenders of Tooth Decay

While all candy can harm oral health, some candies are worse than others. For example, the worst offenders would be anything that is considered hard, sticky, gummy, or chewy. Keep in mind:

  • Hard candies not only stay in the mouth for long periods of time, but they can potentially crack and chip teeth.
  • Sticky candies can stay on teeth very easily, making them difficult to remove during brushing and flossing.
  • Gummy candies can get caught in the deep pits and fissures of teeth, especially the molars and premolars.
  • Chewy candies can easily stay in the mouth for an extended period of time and put stress on the jaw joints.

Keep a Strict Oral Care Regimen

It’s important to maintain a strict oral care routine at home regardless of the season, but doing so around Halloween makes it even more important. For starters, make sure your family is brushing for at least two minutes at a time twice a day. They should be flossing at least once a day as well. It’s best to practice oral care about 30 minutes after having a meal or any candy.

Moderate Candy Consumption

Eating large amounts of candy in one sitting is sure to increase your risk for cavities, but eating small amounts throughout the day can be even more harmful. The more frequently you expose your mouth to sugar, the more consistently oral bacteria has food to consume and then produce plaque acids that attack teeth.

To moderate your child’s candy consumption, make sure to hold on to their candy stash after they finish their trick-or-treating. Only let them have candy after they’ve had their lunch or dinner. Saliva production is much higher after eating meals, and saliva plays a major role in reducing the risk of cavity development.

Stay On Top of Routine Checkups

Finally, you’ll want to make sure your family has their routine dental checkups and exams scheduled. After the Halloween season is over, it can be reassuring to know that no underlying issues have developed as a result. You can also confirm their brushing and flossing are working as intended.

Get in touch with a dentist today to not only protect your family’s oral health, but get other tips for a cavity-free Halloween!

About the Author

Dr. Sikes is dedicated to providing many dental services all under one roof and serves patients of all ages. Whether you’re visiting for a routine checkup ahead of the holidays or looking to have restorative or other treatments completed, you can expect a professional that listens to your needs and provides helpful advice whenever you ask for it. To schedule an appointment, you can contact him through his website.

Do You Chew on Ice? Here’s Why It’s a Dangerous Habit

August 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_sikes @ 3:35 pm
woman eating ice cube

It’s summertime! After finishing a drink, some people mindlessly munch on leftover ice cubes as a cold treat during hot weather. Even though it’s satisfying, the seemingly harmless habit can damage your teeth, enamel, and gums. Are you guilty of chewing on ice? Read on to find out how it can harm your smile and a few alternatives so you can safely get your fix.

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